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Listing public circuits
Circuit Date Views Author
Triangle Wave Generator. 27 Jun. 2014 3756 Sam Watson
khannnnnnndgfjghdhj 20 Jun. 2014 1318 Mohammad Pathan
Square wave generator. 24 Aug. 2014 7786 Sam Watson
rectifier brige 18 Jun. 2014 1407 Mohammad Pathan
Awesome Circuit! 18 Jun. 2014 1481 Buddhi Bandara
Sample Testing for first time 14 Jun. 2014 2172 Santhosh Kumar Ramakrishnan
6 Volt Lamp Flasher 22 Oct. 2014 3842 Sam Watson
zhengrui xu 123 09 Jun. 2014 1012 ayan
lilibeth aguirre circuit 1 09 Jun. 2014 1151 liil aguirre morales
Series Circuit Practice 07 Jun. 2014 2782 deedar hussain
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