Electrical circuit

This figure describes Karchoff’s Law. DCAClab Simulator plays important part of Karchoff’s Law Analysis.

Karchoff’s Law depends on Three part.

  1. KCL (Karchoff’s Current Law)
  2. KVL(Karchoff’s Voltage Law)
  3. Loop

Show all Loop in KCL

I1 + I2 =I3

I3 = I1 + I2

Loop 1 in KCL

I1 + I2 =I3

I3 = I1 + I2

Loop 2 in KCL

I1 + I2 =I3

I3 = I1 + I2

Karchoff’s Voltage Law


Loop is already described in KCL (Loop1 and Loop2)


Kirchhoff’s Law states that the emissivity of a surface is equal to its absorbance, where the absorbance of a surface is the ratio of the radiant power absorbed to the radiant power incident on the surface. It concludes that good radiators of thermal radiations are good absorbers.