An electromagnetic relay in its switching principle is a mechanical switch which is operated with a low-power DC voltage. The switch part is used to control high power circuits. - SPDT RelayRelay design
The SPDT relay is mainly made up of :1. Movable armature
2. Control coil
3. Switch contact points
4. Coil terminals
5. Common terminalDescription
RELAY SPDT (single pole double throw) has a total of five terminals Out of these two are the coil terminals. A common terminal is also included which connects to either of two others. When a voltage is applied to the control circuit, the coil traversed by a current will create an electromagnetic field; this latter is capable of moving a metal element called movable armature.
- Experimentation*.Objective:
Make circuit by using a relay in the DCAClab simulator.*. Equipment:- Battery (Electromotive Force E = 1.5 v , Internal resistance r = 1 Ω)
- Switch K1
- Coil (r1 = 1Ω)
- Relay Switch
- Lamp (r2 = 1Ω)
- Fan
*. Experiment 1: order a single circuit
- Experimental mounting
- Interpretation
- Level 1
1st case: Relay at rest
The switch K1 open ( I1 = 0 ) ⇒K2 at the position (1), consequently the circuit B is open : I2 = O , so the lamp L is off .
2nd case: Relay at work
The switch K1 is closed ( I1 ≠ 0 )⇒K2 at the position (2), consequently the circuit B is close : I2 ≠ 0 , so the lamp L is on . - Level 2_ calculating the intensity of the current I1:Ohm’s law: Ue1 = r1 I1 = E – r I1
So I1 = E/ (r1 + r) = 0.04838A ≈ 48.38 mA_ calculating the power P1:
P1 = E I1 = 1.5 x 0.04838 = 0.07257 w
_ Value of the intensity I2:
By using the characteristics of the lamp we find I2 = 1.456 A
_ calculating the power P2:
P2 = E I2 = 1.5 x 1.456 = 2.184 w
The relay can be used to control a high power circuit by a low power circuit.
- Level 1
- Experimental verification using the DCAClab simulator
*. Experiment 2 : order 2 circuits
- Experimental mounting1st case: Relay at restThe switch K1 is open ⇒K2 at the position (1), consequently:
- The circuit B is closed, so the lamp is on.
- The circuit C is open, so the fan is off.
- Experimental verification using the DCAClab simulator
2nd case : Relay at workThe switch K1 is closed⇒K2 at the position (2) , consequently :- The circuit B is open, so the lamp is off.
- The circuit C is closed, so the fan is on.
- Experimental verification using the DCAClab simulator
the end.
Its nice to play with it. The UI makes me feel like i’m using an actual Relay unit in a lab.
Keep up the great work guyz.
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Yes, we use Twitter, our account is @DCACLab , next release will have an improved Oscilloscope, we will be tweeting about once its released!