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Listing public circuits
Circuit Date Views Author
Differentiator circuit 22 Oct. 2014 2640 Sam Watson
Sawtooth Wave Generator 28 Jun. 2014 3103 Sam Watson
Excersice non-inverting 27 Jun. 2014 1338 Nikos Kltns
Awesomeness Project!!! 27 Jun. 2014 1201 Rafiq Suhardie
Spike Generator 29 Jun. 2014 2567 Sam Watson
Laboratorio de electrónica 1 26 Jun. 2014 1220 Esmeralda Montiel
Triangle Wave Generator. 27 Jun. 2014 3871 Sam Watson
khannnnnnndgfjghdhj 20 Jun. 2014 1414 Mohammad Pathan
Square wave generator. 24 Aug. 2014 8096 Sam Watson
rectifier brige 18 Jun. 2014 1514 Mohammad Pathan
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