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Listing public circuits
Circuit Date Views Author
DAC 27 Jan. 2016 1232
DAC 26 Jan. 2016 856 Taylor Mellen
XOR circuit 29 Jan. 2016 1032 Garfield De'Pluzer
test potentiometer 09 Sep. 2017 7486 Samir Sabri
OHM law 09 Dec. 2015 1829 Samir Sabri
Batteries connection test 23 Jan. 2016 10543 Samir Sabri.
Progress 02 Aug. 2015 1628 Christopher Grattan
CT FW 1 30 Jul. 2015 1204 Maria Rayson
Astable Multivibrator 16 Jun. 2015 1692 John Marco
Trial One or How Not To Use Transistors As Switches 25 May. 2015 1377 Christopher Grattan
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