Step Up transformer

Created: 17 Jun. 2018 6551 views

Step down transformer

Created: 17 Jun. 2018 7349 views

Testing Wien Bridge Oscillator

Created: 10 Jul. 2018 5331 views

PNP Transistor as a Switch

Created: 14 Oct. 2018 2341 views

Connecting Resistance in Parallel

Created: 19 Mar. 2018 3290 views

Dividing Voltage using potentiometer

Created: 27 Mar. 2018 4341 views

Using a fuse in a circuit

Created: 05 Apr. 2018 3492 views

testing transistors

Created: 10 Mar. 2018 2738 views

Using Oscilloscope in Lab

Created: 25 Feb. 2018 3034 views

Using Multimeter in Lab

Created: 04 Mar. 2018 6805 views

Using battery with different voltage

Created: 14 Mar. 2018 4036 views

Resistances with Different Error Factors

Created: 23 Mar. 2018 3569 views

using relay in the lab

Created: 02 Apr. 2018 5675 views

Polarity switcher

Created: 12 Apr. 2018 1276 views

Testing LED with different resistances

Created: 18 Apr. 2018 3839 views

Using Transistor as a switch

Created: 23 Oct. 2018 12190 views

Full wave bridge rectifier

Created: 05 Apr. 2018 22366 views

Simple Circuit to control the Speed of the Motor

Created: 04 Feb. 2019 11539 views

Testing Capacitor (Charge/Discharge)

Created: 06 May. 2019 617 views

Wheatstone Bridge

Created: 27 Feb. 2018 5244 views

Emergency DC Power supply

Created: 24 Jul. 2019 956 views

Working with logic gates

Created: 26 Jul. 2018 11294 views
Total Circuits Views
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