Roles management
Roles are used to manage classrooms and students.
Possible roles available are:
School Admin
School admin is the one who buy the classroom license, here are the permissions he have:
- Setting classroom admins.
- Cancel the subscription.
To set classroom admins, the admin would login to his account, and edit his account, then, he can add the emails of users whom will be granted the role of classroom admin.
Several emails can be filled in the field CLASSROOMS ADMINS EMAILS.
Classroom Admin
Classroom admin is the one who can set teachers accounts, when classroom admin login and edit his/here account, a field with name TEACHERS EMAILS can be filled with teachers emails whom will be creating classrooms to manage students.
Teacher user can create classrooms and invite students to enroll in his/her classrooms.
School Admin and Classroom Admin both can play the role of teacher as well.
For any user who creates a classroom, the new classroom will be owned by him/her.