How to use Relay in LAB

How to use Relay in LAB

A relay is a switch operated electrically which consist of an electromagnet in order to operate the switching operation manually inside the relay.

In order to use the Relay in the DCACLAB you have to follow the steps below.

Steps to make a Relay Connection in Lab

Step 1: Navigate through the list of devices and components in the above options and locate the relay as shown in the screenshot below.

where to find relay in dcaclab

Step 2: Click on the Relay as shown in the screenshot above or grab the icon of the relay from the options, You will see a relay on the board below as shown in the below screenshot.

relay in dcaclab

Step 3: Connect the required ports of the relay as per your application.

using relay in dcaclab

Components in Relay Properties

While working with a Relay in the lab click on it and a Gear shape will be appear as shown in the image below.

gear sign will appear on the relay

Click on the gear icon and the property of the relay will appear.

properties of relay in dcaclab

  1. In this you can control the magnitude as well as the range of the inductance of the coil used in the relay switch. There are ranges nano, µ, milli, K, M and G available and beside that there is a option Tune by which we can vary the fractional values such as nano, µ and milli.
  2. The On current of the relay is defined as the minimum current required to drive the relay switch to on position. There are on current can be varied in the range of nano, µ, milli, K, M and G and also we can control its fractional part such in the order of nano, µ and milli.
  3. The resistance of the coil in the relay can be controlled in the range of  nano, µ, milli, K, M and G and its fractional part can be controlled in the order of nano, µ and milli.

How to connect a relay switch in a circuit

In the below circuit there is an AC power source used to drive the two loads. The relay acts as a 2-way switch which drives one load when the switch is turned off and drives the another load when the load is on.

using relay in dcaclab - switch off mode

Case 1: In this condition the relay switch is OFF and so the AC power is supplied through the load connected in the beneath (A bulb as shown in the above screenshot).

using relay in dcaclab - switch on mode

Case 2: In this condition the relay switch is ON and so the AC power is supplied through the load in the above (A bulb as shown in the above screenshot).


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